Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Season's Bleatings.

So let's see...cheapo, token gifts to people I only really talk to once a year: check. Christmas tree wired directly to AC current to deter 'everything is a toy for me to destroy' kitten: check. Blodge updates...CRAP! I forgot about my 'The Blodge'! My reader will never forgive me. Anyway, here's what I've been doing:

I was arrested for arson and criminal mischief on Thanksgiving when my attempt to defrost my single-serving pouch of lump formed turkey-product with a hairdryer burned down the the YMCA. Whoops!

Went back through all my old correspondence to discover I had forgotten about a 6-year illicit affair I had in the late 80s with Ally Sheedy, star of 'Short Circuit.'

I served briefly as president of Guam, wearing a full samurai outfit, in a vision I had after eating that dented can of NoodleRoni from MacFrugal's. My vice president: Brian Dennehy.

Also, I coined a word: 'Hubrelevance.' It's the situation where excessive pride and lack of relevance lead to downfall. Oh, and look, here's a situation where this new word can be smartly used.

PS: I do not regularly read the Wall Street Journal, but I was lured in by the stipple portrait of Axl Rose.