Key to economy left on subway.
Too many fucking Wayans.
Cardboard cut-out of George W. Bush replaced with actual George W. Bush in 2002.
Financial leadership farmed to CEOs with no working knowledge of finance or leadership.
Offshore financial drilling operations failed to penetrate speculated cash-shale deposits.
US financial system quietly converted to worthless dollars many years ago.
'Free-For-All Financial Fuckfest' economic model somehow flawed.
Shit costs money, man.
Not enough Wayans.
The Liberal Media (all 3 of them)
Not enough brush-clearing in Crawford.
Like an unleashed dog, free market ran wild and unfettered before being crushed by a van in front of the Peterson's house.
Not enough enough stress-ball-squeezing, axe-body-spray-smelling, power-broking asstards in the financial sector.
Culture of irresponsibilty and lack of oversight fostered by current administration led to...nah, that can't be it—probably communists.
I think asstards is my new favorite word.
Don't worry, the staff at Blicky Kitty has assembled some coping strategies. For starters, don't throw away that elk leg. Now please excuse me because my husband is hopping a train out west for work and I need to boil lard, and lye so I can bathe the kids.
maybe problem is just enough wayans?
there's no demand, so economy is stagnating.
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