Ryan Seacrest's smooth-Laotian-boy stables
Enormous 'MATTEL' logo covering Antarctica
Entrance to Hell
Dick Cheney's '93 LeBaron
CineLatino: 12 Screens, All Features Dubbed or Subtitled
Giant vagina-shaped corn field in Oklahoma
Image of SpaceChrist Burned Into Peruvian Mountainside by Aliens
Visible edge of flat earth
The word 'FUCK' over Eastern Europe
Mob Informant Island
Guy flipping off satellite
Entrance to tunnel complex linking all Hardee's locations
Secret Google Maps blurring facility
I'm a psychologist and if you were my client I'd tell you the corn field vagina image is prevalent with certain deviants. I don't mean you. We've never met. Sit down, relax. I like to ask questions first. Do you ever wake up from a fitful slumber and think you see a man in a hooded sweatshirt looking down at you? If not would you like to? True or False: I am a special agent of God? Not you, I'm talking about me. Either way we should meet at the next Freudian Friday Freak-out at the Coit Tower, Telegraph Hill, S.F for therapy and cigars. Sincerely, Dr. Sidney Binaca.
Wow, this is…this is such a relief. Can I lie on that couch? Yes, I feel safe here. Can I take my shirt off? Good. It feels good to talk. And to hold hands. Is that a picture of your family? Can I have that? [sob]
Does Ryan Seacrest use the smooth-Laotian-boy stables for kidney harvesting?
@blicky: THAT'S WHY GOOGLE MUST UNBLUR THE PHOTO! America needs to know! Then again, maybe some stones are best left unturned. Like that time I wanted to know what 'potted meat' tasted like, so I bought a tin and ate it on a hot dog roll because I was out of crackers...yeah. Not good for me; not good for America. I wish Google could blur out my memory.
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